Elaine Carol Scogin
4/30/1923 - 5/3/2024

Elaine Carol Scogin, 101, of Kerrville, passed away Friday, May 3, 2024, in Kerrville. She was born April 30, 1923, in Comfort, TX. Her parents, Louis and Alvina (Flach) Haufler, were of German heritage. She would reminisce about good German food and the tasty pies, cakes and cookies her mother loved to bake.

After WWI, there was an unhappy period of antagonism toward anyone of German descent, of enough concern that her family ceased speaking German in public. However, German was Elaine's only language up to the age of five, when they moved to Kerrville. Attending school where everything was in English was very hard for her at first, but fortunately she learned quickly.

She remembers happily playing outside with 15 or so other children until dark. Each mother had a distinctive whistle to call them home for supper. Their parents had no concern whatsoever about their safety. Nor did anyone feel a need to lock doors of homes or cars. Elaine continued in Kerrville schools until graduating from Tivy High School in 1940. While still a junior, she met her future husband, Garland Scogin, when his family moved into a house across the street. In 1943, they were married in a small family ceremony at home.

Garland, was a member of the National Guard, was called up to serve five years with the field artillery in Germany during WWII--an anxious time for Elaine, waiting for each letter. At war's end, he had further service in Austria before he could return home. Elaine had begun working at Peterson's Garage and Oil Co., continuing there for 35 years. She remembers her pride at receiving $15.60 for her first 48-hour week, $5 of which she immediately put in savings. Peterson sold all five models of GM cars. In those days, a handshake and a promise to pay when the crops came in was considered sufficient to buy a car! Elaine comments, "The world hasn't changed--- but people have!"

Elaine also worked ten years as office manager for Hill Country Savings and Loan, and Garland worked many years in the sporting goods department of Schreiner's Department Store. The couple enjoyed long walks--a couple of miles before breakfast and jobs. When no children arrived, they pursued adoption, but $5,000 for each child was unaffordable. Thus, since Garland's passing in 1996, loving friends have become Elaine's only family. She once belonged to three bridge clubs and still meets regularly with one group. Her careful savings of money since early childhood enabled her to continue living in her own home, with some caregiving help. After a man popped by to see her, she remarked, "I've known him since he was a boy. He's done so much, is really like a son."

It was 77 years ago, April 13th of 1947, that Elaine and Garland joined First Presbyterian Church. She knows only a few members now as, for several years, mobility issues have kept her from attending. She particularly loved the beautiful old sanctuary with its Tiffany windows, and recalls many hours spent in its basement washing and drying tiny cups after communion services.

Services will be held privately.



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