
Elsie Leverett

of Kerrville, TX

March 11, 1941 - February 4, 2025

Joanie Reece

of Kerrville, TX

September 11, 1959 - February 4, 2025

Rohde Barnett Key

of Harper, TX

October 26, 1982 - February 3, 2025

Jeremiah Cardin

of Kerrville, TX

June 17, 1976 - February 3, 2025

Jesse Shilling IIII am a Veteran.

of Kerrville, TX

October 6, 1982 - February 3, 2025

Russell Vincent Jr.

of Center Point, TX

September 11, 1977 - February 3, 2025

Agnes Williams

of Kerrville, TX

February 20, 1933 - February 3, 2025

Doris Burton

of Kerrville, TX

May 25, 1937 - February 1, 2025

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Why Choose Grimes?

Commitment & Integrity

Grimes Funeral Chapels and staff have provided funeral services in the Kerrville and Bandera communities and surrounding Hill Country since 1930. We are proud of our heritage, service, commitment and integrity.

Turn To Us

Our purpose is to provide quality service and value to each family. Our family and staff are dedicated to caring for those we have served for over 85 years, and to those in the future our personal commitment will remain the same.

Celebrating Life After Loss

Celebrating the life you shared together is the cornerstone of healing after loss. For help after the memorial service is over, sign up for our FREE Grief Support Newsletter.

What Our Families Say About Us

Why Should I Plan Ahead?

Your life is unique. Pre-Planning with Grimes Funeral Chapels guarantees a funeral that is just as unique as you, or the loved one you want to remember. The Grimes family strives to help you plan a service that is much more a celebration of life and far less a funeral.

Need Immediate Assistance? Contact Us.

With over 86 years of service ...
Grimes Funeral Chapels will provide care and concern
in your time of need.

What each of us thinks, and what each of us does, has an affect on the lives of others. With the help of an exceptional staff, the Grimes family is honored to be here to help you through your darkest time. We know that each life we touch changes because of us.